‘Recessions’ vs. ‘Depressions’ in the Economy

ONE Depression is a downward trend in the economy that can affect production and employment, and reduce household income and expenditure. The effect of a depression much more severe, characterized by widespread unemployment and severe stagnation of economic activity. Depression can also be more localized, while depression can have global scope.

stock market decline image

Stay tuned for one more lesson on bogus quotes.

People love to attribute famous quotes to old-timers and will often do so with a healthy disregard for reality, or the possibility that any person should be responsible for posing much of the blame. such widely quoted phrase. We regret to inform you that Oscar Wilde, Winston Churchill and Mark Twain didn’t come up with many of the famous things they are said to have said. And neither Ronald Reagan nor Harry Truman is responsible for the joke ‘When your neighbor loses his job, it’s a recession; it’s a depression when you lose yourself.’ As noted by Barry Popik, Fred Shapiro and other citation investigators, this particular inscription has been in use since 1954, even before Truman is known to have used it.

Regarding the difference between a recession and a recession, Beck said: “I define a recession as when your neighbors lose their jobs, but a recession is when you lose yourself.”— Daily News (New York, NY), February 15, 1954

Using history and jokes about recessions and recessions

This isn’t the first time someone has tried to humorously explain the difference between a Depression and a depression; these jokes (using a very broad definition of the word .) joke) goes back to at least the 1930s.

Everyone wants to know the difference between depression and recession when both have the same impact. Topeka Capital explains that recession is simply the way Democrats spell recession.— News Hutchinson (Hutchinson, KS), March 14, 1938

A recession is when wages are cut so low that no one makes a living, and a recession is when the prices of everything go so high that no one makes a living.— Constitution of AtlantaJanuary 23, 1938

The difference between a recession and a recession is that the first creates a class that expects the worst and the second creates a class of people who sweat and expect what they will get.— Lincoln magazine star (Lincoln. NB), December 31, 1937

Lima Beane argues that the only difference between a recession and a recession is that one is letting go and the other being frustrated.— Pittsburgh Post-GazetteDecember 21, 1937

I learned the difference between Depression, Depression and Panic. Recession is where you tighten your belt; Depression is when you have no belt to tighten, and Panic is when you lose your pants.— Enterprise Ephraim (Ephraim, UT), January 21, 1949

But people don’t turn to dictionaries for cheap and crappy wordplay (we hope); They come in search of hard realism and harsh truths. So here are some things we can tell you about Depression, depressionand the difference between the two.

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Is there a real difference?

ONE Depression is a downward trend in the business cycle, a trend characterized by declines in production and employment. This trend reduces household income and expenditure, thus causing many businesses and households to delay major investments or purchases.

ONE depression is a major downturn (much more severe than a downtrend) in the business cycle; one that is characterized by a sharp drop in industrial production, widespread unemployment, a severe slowdown or cessation of growth in the construction sector, and a large decline in international trade and capital flows. Another difference between a Depression and a depressionbesides the severity and effect of each, is it Depression may be geographically restricted (limited to one country), while depression (such as the Great Depression of the 1930s) can occur in many countries.

Now, the difference between a Depression and a depression solved, we can all go back to our normal way of solving this problem: making jokes and ascribing them to people who probably never said them.

Image of Venngage Infographic Maker.

Categories: Usage Notes
Source: vothisaucamau.edu.vn

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