‘Quarantine’ vs ‘Isolation’

When discussing the spread of disease, Isolation refers to the separation of sick individuals from society to prevent the spread of disease. Isolation refers to isolating and restricting the movement of healthy people who may have been exposed to the disease to determine if they are sick (and will need to be isolated). Isolation derived from the Latin word for “island” and isolation Derived from the French word for “forty” or “a period of forty days.”

When societies were faced with infectious disease, the principle of separating the sick from the rest of the population was known and practiced long before the cause of the disease was known with scientific certainty. . Indeed, against the 14th century plague in Europe known as the black death, there was no medical treatment; Eliminating the opportunity for exposure is the only effective public health strategy.

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Originally, the French word ‘quarantine’ (“about forty”) was borrowed to mean “a period of forty days”.

Origin of ‘isolation’

The first permanent hospital to treat plague victims was established in Venice in 1423 on a nearby island called Santa Maria di Nazaret. The hospital was originally called nazarettoa term based on the name of a biblical place for which the island is named, Nazareth, which was later mixed with the biblical name Lazarus to become lazarettomeans “hospital for people with infectious diseases.” lazzaro (based Lazarus) is the Italian term for “leper”.

The hospital’s location on an island is a vivid and fitting example of the root of the word Isolationwhich ultimately derives from the Latin word lobe island, which means “island.” The word’s path from Latin to English also begins in Italian, with the word isolation (“isolation”), became the French word isolated, and then switch to English. Early uses of the term in English were spelled the French way with a regular English modification sign. D EQUAL isolated before it is as stable as spell isolated.

The reason the lazaretto is on an island is to isolate patients; etymologically, the word isolated mean island. A verb was then coined to correspond to this adjective, which is how we have isolation in English through the process of re-formulation. With its classical roots, isolated is a relatively new word in the English language, dating only from the late 1700s:

That very narrow philosophy, which, because of the isolation of the Jews, prompted Moses to strictly forbid the practices of idolatry. The idolatry has ended, but they are still isolated.— Isaac Disraeli, Vaurien: or, sketches of the times1797

Complete isolation of a smallpox outbreak, such as Virginia’s law requires, cannot be effective with all the conditions necessary to make it useful.— François Alexandre Frédéric de La Rochefoucauld , Passing through the United States of North America1799

Origin of ‘Quarantine’

The cross between Italian and French influences also contributed to the birth of the word. isolation in English. Originally, from the French isolation (“approximately forty”) borrowed in the late 1400s to mean “a period of forty days,” another biblical reference, originally referring to the period during which Jesus fasted. in the desert. It is more widely applied to forty-day periods of religious significance, such as penance or delay in making a legal agreement. Then, in the early 1600s, the meaning of “quarantine a ship to protect the port city from potential disease” began to be used in English, from Italian. quarantinehas been used in this way since the 14th century. As the French form of this cognate was used (indeed, a variant form that looks more like French). isolation), the new meaning “isolation to protect from disease” has become a new use of the existing word isolation. It is now an English word based on French spelling with Italian definition and Latin roots.

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Indeed, the last Latin root for these words, quadrilateral (“forty”), which is also the root of the words for Lent (“40 days of the week from Ash Wednesday to Easter”) in Romance languages: Take care of me (French), Cuaresma (Spanish), and quaresima (Italian). The current practice of the 14-day quarantine has more to do with modern medicine than any etymological connection to the Latin root word for “four”; that thing fourteen And forty similarity is only an epidemiological and etymological coincidence.

An interesting footnote to the etymology of isolation it is the French word that English borrowed as part of the pattern for nouns representing numbered groups in French, meaning “about forty”, “about ten”, etc., using -aine end:

quarantine = 40ish

dizaine = 10ish

centaine = 100ish

One of these has been borrowed into English:

douzaine = 12ish

Which gave us dozen. It is worth noting that, for whatever reason, English never adopted the full model for determining groups by approximate numbers in this way, despite the fact that dozen has proven to be a useful term for both general figures (“about a dozen years ago”) and specific quantities (“a dozen eggs,” “a baker’s dozen”). But even if English doesn’t have this convenient linguistic measure for groups, when it comes to the group effort needed to protect us from disease, we’re all in it together.

The difference between ‘Quarantine’ and ‘Isolation’

The current use of medical professionals distinguishes Isolation And isolation exactly the way the terms were originally created: The US Department of Health and Human Services states that:

Isolation is used to separate sick people with infectious diseases from healthy people.

Quarantine is used to isolate and limit the movement of healthy people who may have been exposed to an infectious disease to see if they are sick.

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Categories: Usage Notes
Source: vothisaucamau.edu.vn

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