PHS Football Coach Todd Deforest dies in Poquoson: Obituary

The community is grappling with the unexpected passing of Todd Deforest, confirmed on Friday, December 15, 2023, leaving a void that has touched the hearts of many who had the privilege of knowing him. Todd’s sudden departure has cast a shadow over those who cherished the moments spent in his company.

A dedicated and respected figure, Todd Deforest’s impact resonated not only with his family but also with friends, colleagues, and the athletes he coached. Known for his warm smile and a sparkle in his eye, Todd was the epitome of an unassuming young man with a generous spirit.

Frank, a member of Todd’s crew, fondly remembers him as the one who provided laughter and camaraderie during their outings. As the news of Todd’s passing spread, an outpouring of condolences has been directed towards his family, with heartfelt tributes released by those who had the privilege of sharing the field with him.

One notable tribute came from PHS Football, which highlighted Todd’s integral role as the “get back” Coach on Friday nights. His quick actions in response to injuries or equipment issues underscored his commitment to the players and the sport. The post emphasized that Todd earned the respect and admiration of coaches, players, and parents alike, leaving an indelible mark on the history of PHS Athletics.

The circumstances surrounding Todd Deforest’s passing, including the precise cause of death, remain undisclosed at this time. The public is assured that additional information will be shared as soon as it becomes available.

In the meantime, the community is encouraged to keep Todd Deforest’s family in their thoughts and prayers as they navigate through the profound grief of this unimaginable loss. The impact of Todd’s coaching and mentorship will be remembered by all those fortunate enough to have experienced it firsthand.

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