On ‘Perpetrate’ and ‘Perpetuate’


We can go on about it.

culprit And eternalize different by one letter but mean two different things.

The Origin and Meaning of ‘Perpetrate’

culprit means to perform or perform an act, usually to commit a crime. In many cases, the verb is used to emphasize a person’s direct role in performing the activity, as opposed to someone acting as an abettor or accomplice:

Police reviewed surveillance footage from the area where the robbery suspect and two others were arrested. One of them told the police that Fennelly agreed to be on guard duty while the other suspect culprit robberies. — Ethan Fry, Sign up for a new HavenJune 11, 2019

De la Mata said Hong Chang contacted the FBI four days after arriving in New York via Newark, allegedly offering to hand over stolen documents from the embassy. The statement said that he admitted to having culprit attack on the embassy with a group of other, unidentified individuals. — Geoff Brumfiel and Lucia Benavides, NPR.org, March 26, 2019

A Schuylkill County woman is facing federal charges for allegedly culprit a “grandparent scam” targeting elderly people in the Lehigh Valley. — Sarah Cassi, Lehigh Valley livesJune 15, 2019

There is nothing inherently criminal about the etymology of cause: it incorporates the Latin prefix each- (meaning “pass) with vicara verb that means “to complete” that is related to dadnoun for “father.”

Older uses of the more neuter verb, referring to any type of action taken, not necessarily a crime:

Sir Philip convinced his two sisters cause A duet. – Charlotte Bronte, Shirley1749

He hasn’t sent any messages about his coming. He’s still young enough to enjoy culprit a surprise for those at home. — Kate and Virgil D. Boyles, Hoosier volunteers1914

The word’s more modern association with crime is encouraged by shortened nouns culprit (for the perpetrator), is used especially in phrases like Walking perp.

The Origin and Meaning of ‘Perpetuate’

Eternalize related to the adjective forever, which means “continuing forever” or “eternally.” Latins forever (“uninterrupted”) formed by combining each- with the verb petere (“go”). A perpetual motion machine in constant motion. And so to maintain something means to keep it going: animals work to maintain their species; families work to maintain their traditions; Relatives of a deceased person try to maintain that person’s estate.

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In a particular use, eternalize used transitively, with the object of being an idea (whether true or false) that is allowed to take hold and spread among others:

Female stars have long felt the pressure to always look a certain way. lengthen Beauty standards are unrealistic and often unattainable in mainstream culture. — Philip Ellis, Men’s HealthJuly 9, 2019

We can’t help but think of the paradox that often accompanies movies like, for example, The Wolf of Wall Street: an attempt to critique that, due to the need to make the minute-by-minute experience narratively compelling within genre parameters, ending lengthen glorification of the criticized. — Nicholas Quah, VultureJuly 11, 2019

Other Important Legend long live by “The Art of the Deal” is [Donald] Trump’s intuition about business is near perfect. “The book helped promote the notion that he couldn’t fail,” says Barrett. Unbeknownst to Schwartz and the public, however, in late 1987, when the book came out, Trump was headed for what Barrett called “simultaneous personal and professional self-destruction.” — Jane Mayer, New YorkersJuly 25, 2016

Keep them separate

culprit And eternalize are not often confused with each other, but they overlap in certain places, sometimes leading to uncertainty as to whether one word could be intended in place of the other.

Since you might perpetuate a myth, a lie, or other ideas that represent dishonesty, some authors may be inclined to use the verb with objects like prank or cheat.

“Today I dismiss the lawsuit against Whole Foods Market,” Brown said. The statement does not explicitly state that Brown is personally responsible for having long live a hoax, but it says, “The company did nothing wrong.” — Alex Johnson, NBCNews.com, May 16, 2016

Complicit in their nefarious efforts are the banks that have assisted these criminal enterprises to conceal and legitimize their nefarious profits, lengthen a fraud that destabilized our local economy and led to an inflationary environment that took Miami years to recover from. — Bernie Navarro, South Florida Sun SentinelMarch 8, 2019

“If all this is considered a big joke long live for residents, I think they may have broken the law to make it,” said [Barbara] Petersen, president of the First Amendment Foundation. “I hate being a Debbie Downer, but seriously, I don’t think they’ve thought of this.” — Mike Schneider and Josh Replogle, Related pressAugust 26, 2018

As these examples show, the boundary between cause And eternalize can be difficult to distinguish. One may be wise to use eternalize for scams that have been conducted and are being perpetuated through an abetting act, as the Navarro quote above shows (banks have helped others commit fraud). In cases where the scam originates from the dealer, it may be more appropriate to use cause.

Categories: Usage Notes
Source: vothisaucamau.edu.vn

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