Notification of increase in salary of Teachers of School Education Department Punjab

Lahore School Education Department – ​​Punjab gives notice of salary increase for Government Employees working in Punjab Department of Education. Punjab Department of School Education has granted Charged Allowance for administrative & teaching positions. If you are a Government Employee and are looking for information about salary increase announcement in Punjab Department of School Education then there is good news for you! You are on the right page. We have included full details of the salary increase and the increase in it.

Subject: Proposal to amend administrative and teaching allowances

Details of allowances for management positions are as follows:

Sister no? Name of administrative agency Rate per month
first. AEO Rs. 1000/-
2. Dy DEO Rs. 1500/-
3. DEO Rs. 2000/-
4. EDEO Rs. 3000/-
5. Division Director Rs. 5000/-
6. Department of Planning and Investment Rs. 6000/-

Similarly, Principal Teachers of Public Schools are also charged by the Government of Punjab Department of School Education. The details are as below:

Sister no? Principal Category Rate per month
first. Head Teacher (Primary) Rs. 500/-
2. Head Teacher (Primary) Rs. 700/-
3. Head teacher (secondary school) Rs. 1200/-
4. Principal Rs. 1700/-

To enable Employees to enhance their performance, the need of the present times is to raise their Fee Allowance. In this regard, the following proposal regarding the enhancement of the Fee Allowance is submitted for review and approval.

Sister no? Principal Category Rate per month
first. Officers working in BS-20 (Director Public Instructor) Rs. 80000/-
2. Officer working in BS-20 (Department Level Director) Rs. 60000/-
3. Principal DEO & Additional Department Director Rs. 50000/-
4. Dy DEO principal Rs. 40,000/-
5. Principal & Assistant Director Rs. 30,000/-
6. Principal of Elementary School Rs. 15,000/-
7. Elementary School Principal Rs. 10,000/-
8. teaching allowance Rs. 10,000/-
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Official announcement:

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