Italian Teacher Sacked after 20 Years for avoiding Work using Sick Leave

A teacher in Italy has earned a reputation as the country’s worst employee after managing to avoid going to work for an astonishing 20 years. Cinzio Paolina De Lio, who was recruited to teach literature and philosophy at a high school near Venice, appeared only four of the 24 years she was employed.

Even on the rare occasions De Lio appears, her behavior is highly questionable. She texts during students’ oral exams, gives random grades and doesn’t even have a copy of the textbook. Understandably, her students went on strike in protest.

Italian teacher Cinzia Paolina De Lio

Despite claiming to possess three degrees, Italy’s supreme court labeled De Lio “permanent and utterly unfit” for the teaching profession. When Italian journalists sought her comment on the matter, she unequivocally replied that she was “at the beach”.

Eventually, school inspectors noticed her disorganized and confusing lessons, leading to her expulsion. However, the court initially reinstated her, prolonging her sloppy career. It was only when it came to light that she had only worked for 4 out of 24 years that the court reversed its decision, ultimately ending her employment on June 22.

De Lio’s case is not unique in Italy. In 2021, it was discovered that public health worker Salvatore Scumace had perjured as a fire safety officer in a hospital for 15 years, costing the state a substantial amount. He was rarely seen at the hospital, appearing only on the day he signed his contract in 2005. Scumace was nicknamed the “King of Absence” and faced charges of aggravated extortion and fraud. and abuse his position because of his actions.

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