‘Incommunicado’: We Won’t Be Silent on the Subject

Traditionally, to be unconnected means no access to any method of communication. That generally applies to people who are imprisoned, quarantined or involved in the absence of a telephone or other communication device:

“You are not supposed to be without a lawyer. You are not charged, and you cannot send it to anyone. They can keep you for forty-eight hours unconnected, they call it. But if he shows up here, I have to let him see you, you know? —James M. Cain, The postman always rings twice1934

Our next destination wasn’t connected to Everest Link, Bishnu warned me as we stuffed our backpacks. I sent a few messages to my friends on Whatsapp to let them know that I will unconnected for a few days, and turned off my phone. — Daniel Oberhaus, motherboardJuly 31, 2016

Without the slightest legal reason, he arrested countless Northern citizens for the slightest suspicion, or rumor, and prejudice, and detained them. unconnected, ignoring the right to habeas corpus and the Supreme Court. —Robert Penn Warren, Jefferson Davis regains citizenship1980

incommunicado tin can phone photo

In hindsight, this probably won’t work.

We get unconnected from the Spanish where it is the past participle of the verb car no contactmeans “to deprive communication.”

The concept of restricting or depriving notifications of multiple uses unconnected, but we are increasingly seeing the use of the word simply to mean “not to communicate” with the suggestion that it was intentional. Sometimes a number of other factors influence that decision, such as illness or a particular social situation:

When I called to ask about sales of my most recent novel (my agent had a rare but serious case of bird flu and unconnected), Herman laughed and said that I was responsible for America. economic depression. — Aimee Friedman, in Who did it?two thousand and thirteen

Chastity harbors carnal feelings for Ricky, this despite the fact that he claims to have a new girlfriend (“She’s really on fire for God!”) and doesn’t write to Chastity from camp. The reason Ricky is unconnectedit turned out to be because his summer retreat was held at a facility designed to quell his urges to be more critical of Christianity. —Nick Schager, Daily BeastMarch 9, 2019

It was her wasteful actions, meaningless chores that seemed to prevent her from doing what she wanted to do, could have done… the feeling that everyone else was. unconnected with others and live on a completely wrong plane, so that the meaning, the message, the love or whatever each life contains, can never find its expression. — Patricia Highsmith, Salt price1952

The boys got annoyed when they came to see me and decided to be unconnected. “They don’t like shrinking,” Mary explained. “It’s okay,” I replied bluntly, “I don’t really like children anyway.” — David V. Keith, in Sharing experiences about illness1997

Even though Dunn was gone unconnected Following the social media posts, the Richardson administration covered its tracks with a statement from Mayor Paul Voelker. —Scott McDonald, weekly newsFebruary 9, 2019

After Lauter handled objections from the Justice Department, he left the office, disappeared into a theater, and stayed there. unconnected for the rest of the evening. —Mary Elise Sarotte, Collapse2014

More and more we see the use unconnected according to the model of silent radioa term originally applied to a situation in which a station failed to transmit (usually because of orders from a superior), but the same has been extended to mean deliberately excluding participation in public communication (e.g., public communication). such as by withdrawing from social media).

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Categories: Usage Notes
Source: vothisaucamau.edu.vn

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