Why is it so hard to use ‘enervate’ correctly?

There are several opportunities to misuse the word disable, and English speakers and writers have been taking advantage of these opportunities for quite some time. Johnson O’Connor, written in monthly Atlantic Ocean in 1934, alleging that 52% of the college graduates he surveyed chose add the power as synonym for disableinstead of right weaken.


Portrait of a young editor exhausted from fixing the ‘exhaustion’ error

Why do we have such trouble with disable? Some people confuse it with natural, a newer word often used in physiological contexts and means “supplying the nerves.” Many others think that disable has a stronger meaning because it starts with letters like provide energy, passionor enliven.

energy has been in use in English since at least 1565, when it appeared in Thomas Dorman’s book The objection of M. Novvelles Reproufe (“…weakening and thereby weakening the power of commanders-in-chief…”). It comes from Latin activehas several meanings, none of which are particularly strong (unless you count “cutting off the tendons” as energetic).

If you are among those who have difficulty using this word correctly, you can rest assured that you are not alone. Evidence shows that disable still commonly used in print as a synonym for add the power. Furthermore, this abuse is not limited to any one area; it can be found globally.

His parents were nervous when Julian performed with an orchestra for the first time, but Julian was exhausted and in his mood. “The gala dinner was pretty thrilling,” he said. —Toronto StarJuly 28, 1987

What BMG does best outside of SFX is drumming, which takes up about 60% of the show’s time. For me it was thrilling, exhausting. —Echoes of Liverpool [Liverpool, UK]May 21, 2009

Bobby Jones, designer of Chambers Bay, was on the 18th green. “I’m excited, full of energy,” he said. “Yesterday was my father’s birthday. If he were alive he would be 108. Today is Father’s Day. What more could I want?” —Manawatu’s Standard (New Zealand), June 23, 2015

Instead of giving harsh reprimands, or giving lengthy explanations on how to distinguish between disable And provide energywe thought it might be helpful to give an alternative explanation, in the hope that it might make things clearer:

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Once upon a time there was a term that could offend, bewilder and truly confuse; this word, exhaustedClose to farts;Once you get it, it’s not too complicated.

Categories: Usage Notes
Source: vothisaucamau.edu.vn

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