What is the Plural of ‘Money?’

Money usually a common noun, which means it is used with some and not with One, and lacks the plural form. However, in some cases, particularly when referring to discrete funds obtained from a particular source or allocated to a particular cause, money can be as plural as money or moneywith the latter being the more common spelling.

In most cases, we handle money as a common noun or uncountable noun—like oxygen or mud or honest. You can’t have one mud or four honesty, and in the same direction, we don’t say money or one money or twenty-six money. Although it can include discrete bills and coins, dollars and coins that can be counted, the concept of money is considered a mass in English. You have money or not.

Plural noun

However, like common mass nouns like Water And sandthere are occasions money replaced by a standard plural, like any count noun. It tends to occur when references are discrete funds, obtained from a particular source, or allocated to a particular cause.

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There are cases when ‘money’ is in the plural.

The spelling in these cases could be money or, more commonly, money:

Some stimulus in 2009 money for high-speed rail will end in the California project and more is likely to come. —James McCombons, Waiting on a train2009

Under Oregon’s sole “initiator” law, if general fund revenue is more than 2 percent higher than anticipated, the entire forecast on money returned to the taxpayer in the form of a rebate. —Connor Radnovich, Statesman Magazine (Salem, Ore.), August 23, 2017

West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources announced it would use $22 million to settle the settlement money received from drug distributors to combat the drug epidemic in West Virginia. —Kara Leigh Lofton, West Virginia Public BroadcastingAugust 21, 2017

Today’s mood is a little less adoring, and the reason is simple. Voters are tired of public use money to enrich the millionaire sports owners. —Carl Hiaasen, Kick in the butt1999

Correct spelling

Most nouns ending in –ey take a standard -S many: monkey, chimney, lawyer, Turkey. money naturally follow that pattern. Some critics use disparaging spelling money because it encourages pronunciation close to plural nouns pony or you matchas if singular nouns were actually spelled out money. However, these days, money is in fact the more common spelling.

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Categories: Usage Notes
Source: vothisaucamau.edu.vn

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