What is a CI/CD Pipeline?

CI/CD process stands for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery process. It describes a set of steps to deploy software. The main focus of the CI/CD process is to improve software deliverability while relying on DevOps.

CI/CD pipelines implement automation and monitoring to improve the development process. These actions are especially important during the integration, testing, and delivery phases. While it is technically possible to perform each step of the CI/CD process manually, automation streamlines the entire process and reduces the possibility of errors.

There are various components of the CI/CD pipeline process from setup to completion; they are clearly outlined in this CI/CD Pipeline infographic. Keep reading for detailed information on the CI/CD process and why it is essential for high-quality software development.

Elements of the CI/CD . pipeline

As you may have noticed from looking at the CI/CD Pipeline infographic, there are many distinct elements of the pipeline. While not completely exhaustive with variations of the CI/CD path, the stages can be simplified to the following basic categories:

  • Build
  • Test
  • Deployment
  • Liberate, release, free

A build is the starting point for every software development process. It refers to writing physical source code, which is then converted into a program that the computer can execute.

The testing phase is pretty self-explanatory. Because the CI/CD process is automated, the process is fast and efficient. Any errors will become apparent, in which case the developer will need to go back to the build phase to fix them before attempting to run the program.

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When ready to deploy, the code goes to production. In this so-called staging environment, deployment is supported by Continuous Delivery (CD), reliability and stability testing.

Release is generally the last step of the CI/CD process. This is when the software is finally moved to a secure centralized storage location, also known as a repository. At this point, the developer can evaluate the software to determine if additional features should be added. The evaluation process can be an ongoing process.

Containers and pipelines CI/CD

Containers refer to automating each stage in the software deployment process from build to release. Each stage is “contained” or in other words segmented and distinguished from each other. Many different container pipeline tools differ in service and implementation.

Each option comes with its own advantages and limitations. They also differ in popularity. Depending on the software developer’s needs, one may be better than the other. Some of these CI/CD pipeline tools are:

  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Jenkins X
  • Azure DevOps
  • heroku

We recommend that you research each option thoroughly before deciding which tool is best for you.


One CI/CD process can make all the difference in the world for a software developer. It not only facilitates and streamlines the entire development and deployment process, but it also reduces and even eliminates the possibility of bugs in the software.

In the long run, the decision to implement the CI/CD pipeline saves time and improves the quality of the software. With a shorter time frame from build to release, developers can spend their time creating a larger number of products that perform better and get more positive feedback.

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Categories: How to
Source: vothisaucamau.edu.vn

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