The Provenance of ‘Providence’

‘Provide’ and ‘Provide’

In the 14th and 15th centuries, words derived from Latin videomeans “to see”, beginning to appear in English—for example: supplication, an early 14th-century word that can mean “the act or process of providing or providing something” or “a stock of necessary materials, supplies, or food” with the implication that it is done, offered or purchased by someone who “sees” that something will be needed. The word, in its plural form, for stock or food, is a more common usage, as in “We’ve brought enough supplies to last the whole trip.”


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other 14th century videoThe word based is the verb providemeans “to supply (something, such as supplies) as a matter of business”—for transparency, its more direct ancestor is Anglo-French provider, which means “to consider, foresee, provide.” Verb provide it itself appeared later, in the 15th century, originally to mean “take precautions” or “provide for the future.” The founders testified to its use in the 1787 prologue of US Constitution:

We, as the people of the United States of America, form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure domestic peace, provide common defence, promote the common good, and secure the blessing of nature. for ourselves and our posterity, to ordained and establish this Constitution of the United States of America.

More popular, provide used to simply mean doing or giving something the person wants or needs—for example, a boss who wants to increase meeting attendance might text: “Coffee and donuts will be provided at meeting.”

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‘Province’ and ‘Providence’

Noun conscious And providence come from Latin conscious And Providencerespectively, and they entered Middle English in the 14th century. their base roots (as supplication, provideAnd provide) To be provide—a combination of prefixes donatemeans “before”, “before” or “earlier” and video. (Information off topic: video is also a source improvisationit’s a word for doing something without thinking first, apparent, monitor, videotapesAnd vision.)

in history, conscious designate a country or region under the control of an ancient Roman government or a division of a country forming the jurisdiction of an archbishop or municipality. Today, it denotes any one of the large sections into which some countries, such as Canada, are divided, as well as one’s area of ​​expertise. On the other hand, providence may refer to the exercise of foresight or frugality, or divine guidance or care (in capitals); it can also signify God as the force that directs man’s destiny.

Alas, how will this bloody act be answered? / It will be put to us who providence / Should have kept short, restrained and unobsessed / This crazy young man. —William Shakespeare, hamletcirca 1600

That comes to the climax of this great debate / Can I affirm Eternal Providence, / And justify God’s way toward men. —John Milton, Heaven is lost1667

Who sees not the perfect and wise Providence, / The same in giving, and what withholding? — Alexander Pope, “Essays on Man,” 1733-34

New Englanders may wonder about the Rhode Island capital Providence: it was founded in 1636 by clergyman Roger Williams as a haven for religious dissidents and is said to be so named because of his religious interest. the room that took him there.

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‘Provenance’ and ‘Provenence’

Providencealthough not semantically identical, there are phonetic and orthographic similarities with source And proofThis may lead to some hesitation when using. Source And proof share the meaning of “origin” or “source” (especially in terms of place of production, production, or discovery) and both are modeled after the French verb provemeans “to appear, to originate”, finally a compound word of Latin donatemeans “out” and hell, “arrive.” Both are used synonymously, as in “origin/origin of minerals” or “origin/origin of coins.” However, these words entered the English language years apart— source in the 17th century, and proof (is the change of source) in the 19th century; around the mid-1800s, source gain a specific meaning in terms of “the history of ownership of an object or work of art or literature of value.”

According to Ettinger, with less than 40,000 miles on the speedometer and in good working condition, the Rolls-Royce – had it not been previously owned and authorized by Elizabeth Taylor – could sell for $600,000 or $700,000. USD. However, because of its Hollywood origin, this rare and undisputed convertible coupe is estimated to cost up to $ 2 million when it rolls on the street. — Shaun Tolson, RobbReport.comAugust 1, 2019

We will end here, but with one condition (a word from the medieval Latin phrase regulationsmeans “as long as”): if you are unsure about the use of conscious, providence, sourceor prooflook them up in our dictionary.

Categories: Usage Notes

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