The Battle of ‘Stanch’ vs ‘Staunch’

Have you ever wondered if you’re abusing? stagnant or loyal somehow? If this question is in answer to heavy bleeding, go to the hospital. For all the others, relax, we have the answer to your question and it’s a ‘maybe?’

Some pairs of words are often confused, such as despise And show offmeaningful, historical, and suggested uses are clearly distinguished from each other. stand And loyal not such words.

dog with leg swaddled

Photo: mediaphotos

A good medical professional will help you stop bleeding, no matter how you use it.

Origin of Stanch and Staunch

Both stagnant And loyal from the French breeder (same meaning as .) stagnant: “to check or stop the flow of”). Both have been used for hundreds of years. And most dictionaries will list them as having the same meaning. So, what is the purpose of that superfluous hell Friend in the middle of words? Is it placed there by a cruel and unhappy god, one who finds grim satisfaction in our despair? Or is it placed there by one of the trickster gods who delight in our endless possibilities of spell doubt?

No – these words are really just variations of each other. However, there is a trap (there is almost always a trap): one of these words is often used as an adjective and the other is often used as a verb. loyal is often found as an adjective (it has several meanings in this role, including “watertight,” “remarkable,” and “unwavering in loyalty or principle”). stand more often will be used as a verb.

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Please note that saying that something is used more commonly in some fashions does not necessarily mean that those who choose to use it in less popular fashion are wrong. There is a substantial body of evidence about loyal And stagnant used in less common roles, taken from reputable sources.

Although Dr Dewling is always waste manager of last resort, as a Commissioner he has become a staunch advocate for the conservation of open spaces and has repeatedly warned of a “silent crisis”. silence” if the state does not take steps to protect it. its natural resources.—Bob Narus, New York TimesJune 19, 1988

Eda Goldstein needs no introduction to Clinical Social Work Journal readers. She is an advocate, board member, and frequent contributor, and her name is often the first thing that comes to mind when one thinks of a well-known clinical social worker.—Journal of Clinical Social WorkJune 2016

Surgeons say an increasing number of amateur chefs are reporting to emergency and accident departments with what they call “butter hands”; severe stab and slash wounds caused by stabbing the fruit with a sharp knife through the hard outer skin of the fruit, but failed before hitting the resisting stone inside. The British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons is calling for safety labeling on fruit to prevent the flow of injured patients to hospital.—Gurpreet Narwan, Time (London, UK), 10 May 2017

However, a joint investigation by the Star and the CBC found that the former Conservative government helped corporations avoid paying their fair share by turning a crackdown into a loophole, and the government new did nothing to stop the bleeding.—Marco Chown Ove, Toronto StarJune 17, 2016

Some people will tell you that you should always separate these words, and if you want to do this, you may find the following sentence will assist you in remembering the difference: “A loyal friends will help me stagnant my bleeding leg, and not spending all his time drinking cocktails.

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Alternatively, you can rely on the age-old method of people-who-remember-everything poorly, and use this quiz:

Tho’ neither stagnant neither loyal must conform to rigid semantic standards Some editors will hesitate, When encountered stagnant
If it is used in the adjective form

Categories: Usage Notes

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