Steve Gross Obituary: Hot Springs, Arkansas man passes away ‘unexpectedly’

Hot Springs, AK – Steve Gross, a beloved individual from Hot Springs, AK, passed away suddenly, leaving a void in the hearts of many. He was confirmed to have left this world on Tuesday, September 26, 2023. His sudden departure has left a lasting mark on those who were fortunate to know him during his lifetime. The Gross family is grieving deeply, and the broader community is urged to offer their thoughts and prayers to support them during this incredibly sad and challenging period.

Greg Cischke shared Steve Gross’ death news and paid tribute by saying,

“I’m sitting in a tree on a narrow ridge in hopes of a black bear this afternoon and facing the reality that I lost one of my best friends and mentors yesterday morning. Memories flood my mind today of all the times we’ve lent in a duck hole, deer stand, sitting around a fire, talking about the good times and the bad of being a father and a husband, business endeavors and our dreams and wish list. I think about our breakfast after a good morning of shooting ducks and talking smack or listen to turkeys gobble at day break ( well you heard them and said I was talking to loud). Steve Gross you mentored me and many young men in many ways weather it was finance, family matters or just how to get a job done. You were extremely successful in whatever you set out to do but I saw you work hard and fight for your achievements. Most importantly you where a man that fear God and him credit for everything both good and bad. Things won’t be the same and you will be greatly missed by many but there’s a part of you that lives on because of the legacy you passed down. For those of us left down her on earth yesterday was a tragedy, but Gods time and will is Gods alone. I’m grateful you left this world doing what you loved, chasing a bull elk bugling in one of the most beautiful places on this earth. So until we meet again, Rest in Peace Big Rooster.”

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As of now, the precise circumstances surrounding Steve Gross’ passing, including the exact cause of death, remain undisclosed. The public will be updated as soon as more information becomes available. In the meantime, heartfelt condolences are being shared with the Gross family as they navigate through this profound and unimaginable loss.

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