Plural and Possessive Names: A Guide

Names are proper nouns, become plural like other nouns: add letters -S for most names (“the Johnsons,” “the Websters”) or more -es if the name ends with S or z (“the Joneses,” “the Martinezes”). To express ownership using an apostrophe, add ‘S to individuals (“Smith’s Car”) and simply the following apostrophe S for the plural (“the Smiths’ car,” “the Martinezes’ dog”). By convention, names from classical mythology and the Bible end with S show ownership only with an apostrophe (“The Teachings of Jesus”).

Their plural is the same as the plural of most nouns. They are usually formed by adding -S. Except, that is, if the name ends in S or z. Then the plural is formed by adding -es.

the Smith family → the Smith family

Jill and Sam Clarence → Clarences

Mr. and Mrs. Jones → the Joneses

Fernandez family → Fernandez family

the death of socrates or the death of socrates

“And remember – it was Socrates’ hospital bed, but Zeus’s lovers.”

Unlike regular nouns that end in ynames ending in y is also made plural by adding -S:

the Kennedy clan → the Kennedy family

Daley’s family → Daley’s family

Ownership And Name

If you want to talk about something that belongs to more than one family member, you start with the plural and add an apostrophe to show ownership:

Smiths car

a party at Fernandezes’ house

Daleys . driveway

If you want to talk about something that belongs to a unique person identified by last name, you do it in the usual way -‘S rule for most names:

Smith’s car → Smith’s car

For names ending in S or z sound, however, you can add -‘S or just an apostrophe. Go with -‘S is the more popular choice:

Jones’ car → Jones’ car or Jones’ car

Special rules for classical names

For classical and biblical names, there are other rules. For names ending in S or To be and has two or more syllables, you usually just need to add an apostrophe. If the name has only one syllable, add -‘S.

Students of Socrates

Kingdom of Ramses

The Prophecy of Amos

Zeus’s warning

Name Jesus And Moses always made owned with only single quotes:

disciples of Jesus

Law of Moses

Silent closing letter

The usual way to show possession with a name ending in a silence S, zor x is with -‘S.

Didier Deschamps’ career

Music by Josquin des Prez

Painting by Eugène Delacroix

Categories: Usage Notes

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