‘People’ vs. ‘Persons’

Everybody should always be used when a collective noun referring to an entire group or country (i.e. “The French”) is called. For references to groups of a specific or general number, or everybody or People can be used. However, modern style guides tend to prefer everybody the previous guide’s favorite place Peopleespecially for countable groups.

There are few things in the English language that are more annoying and terrifying than two words that mean almost the same thing, especially if they are similar in form. The luxury of having so many words to choose from isn’t enough to offset the nagging fear that whatever word you choose will be wrong, causing everyone to chuckle and judge both you and your grammar school teacher. Friend. So when presented with the choice of everybody or People To describe countless people, many began chewing their nails in nervous agitation. Is there a simple explanation for which one to use?

Not really, but simple explanations aren’t all they are deciphered, so keep reading.

some people

When a collective noun is called (for example, to refer to members of an entire country), the appropriate word will always be ‘people’ (“the French”).

Many manuals over the years have suggested that there is a clear distinction between the two words; everybody used when referring to a collective group or indefinite quantity, and People serve better when referring to individuals (or several individuals). There are many cases where this difference can be observed, usually when the two words stand side by side.

That universal cheerfulness is the fate of some people, whom you and I can jealous at the same time we despiseall are worthy of all that luck or nature can offer.—William Shenstone, DoLetter, February 27, 1753

Origin of man vs man

Both words can be derived from Latin roots: everybody from people (“the people”), and People from character (“mask [especially one worn by an actor], actor, person”). We’ve been arguing about which one to choose since at least the 18th century.

from everybody, very generic, cannot connect to a specified number; such as four, five or six everybody; but of People maybe.

To be pleasant at the table, it is not advisable to admit but everybody humor: there should be no more than seven or eight People.—John Trusler The difference between precious words Synonyms in the English language1776

The objection of using everybody as a plural of People has changed over the centuries. George Crabb, writing in the early 19th century, gave a somewhat class-conscious reason why everybody should avoid:

As the term everybody used to refer to the promiscuous crowd, it has gained a certain degree of acceptance making it less suitable from PeopleWhen everybody of respect is mentioned. George Crabb, English synonyms explanation1818

Matters of respect aside, the more popular maxim until recently was everybody should be avoided when referring to any specific or general number of individuals.

person: Where individual persons, or a number of such, are intended, the word should be omitted in favor of People.—Frank Vizetelly, A Desk-Book of Errors in English1920

The Fourth Edition of Strunk and White’s Elements of style still contains a warning note about not using everybody in this situation: “From everybody Best not used with words of quantity, instead of person. If ‘six people’ five people leave, how many ‘people’ are left? Answer: one person.”

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However, in the last few decades, the trend has gained a lot of support everybodymore than People. AP style book bluntly declared “From everybody more preferred People in all plural uses.” And The New York Times Handbook of Style and Usage now also declares “Using everybody as the plural of People“although they add that People can still be used in certain contexts (“letter to the editor, in untranslated text, in direct quotations, and in some established idioms such as evacuees And Missing Person’s Office“).

collective noun

People tends to still be found in some formal contexts, such as legal writing, or when a writer wants to appear more fancy. But the wave of views has changed enough for you to feel comfortable using it everybody In most cases you have a choice. And if your ears tell you People would work better, there are still enough writers using this word that your choice will probably not be questioned. However, it should be remembered that when a collective noun is called (for example, to refer to members of an entire country) everybody is the appropriate word (“French”).

Categories: Usage Notes
Source: vothisaucamau.edu.vn

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