Jolee Callan Wiki, Instagram, Dog, Obituary, Case, Story, Wikipedia, Story, Case

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Jolee Callan Wiki, Instagram, Dog, Obituary, Case, Story, Wikipedia, Story, Case

Jolee Callan Wiki, Instagram, Dog, Obituary, Case, Story, Wikipedia, Story, Case – Jolee Callan, his ex-girlfriend who was 18 years old, was shot and pushed off a cliff by Loren Bunner after she agreed to go hiking with him “as friends.” Then, after claiming to be on the autism spectrum, he almost got away with it.

Jolee Callan Wiki, Instagram, Dog, Obituary, Case, Story, Wikipedia, Story, CaseJolee Callan Wiki, Instagram, Dog, Obituary, Case, Story, Wikipedia, Story, Case

On Instagram, Loren Bunner captured Jolee Callan’s dying moments.

Jolee Callan, who was born on December 29, 1996, grew up leading a typical, all-American existence. She was well-liked in high school and had a small, 4’10” frame. She was also recognized for her talent with punk-style pink and purple hair dye.

Jolee Callan Wiki, Instagram, Dog, Obituary, Case, Story, Wikipedia, Story, Case

Just a few hours before Loren Bunner shot Jolee Callan in the head, she was pictured with her puppy.

Then she met Loren Daniel Bunner, a 20-year-old. Those who were familiar with the young couple claimed that Bunner was possessive and desired that Callan “spend time with him and his friends only.” Bunner was envious more and more.

Previous attempts by Callan to end their relationship with him were fruitless because he would make suicide threats each time she tried to leave. Finally, Callan was able to end things with Bunner, but this move would be catastrophic.

Jolee Callan had a new boyfriend a few months later when Bunner got in touch with her to go hiking “as friends.” The night before their meeting, she consented and playfully emailed a friend, saying, “If something happens to me, you’ll know who I was with.”

Jolee Callan Wiki, Instagram, Dog, Obituary, Case, Story, Wikipedia, Story, Case

Jolee Callan allegedly intended to be killed but didn’t know when it would happen, according to Loren Bunner. This assertion was never supported.

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The two brought Kiba, Callan’s dog, to the Pinhoti Trail in Cheaha State Park in rural Alabama on August 30, 2015. On his Instagram profile, Bunner chillingly recorded the activities of the day. On their final trip together, he shared three pictures of Callan, the last one showing her on a cliffside with her back to the camera taken just moments before he shot her twice with a.22 Bear Claw.

The first round was fired by Bunner and struck her behind the head. Bunner turned Callan over when she fell and shot her once more between the eyes. Then he pushed her over the edge of the 40-foot cliff.

Bunner Almost Gets Away With It

Jolee Callan Wiki, Instagram, Dog, Obituary, Case, Story, Wikipedia, Story, Case

This was Jolee Callan’s final recorded photograph.

Bunner went back to his vehicle and dialed 911 to report his crime. He remarked in a calm manner, “I want to turn myself in for the murder of my ex-girlfriend Jolee Callan which happened only a little while ago on Cheaha Mountain.

He then awaited the arrival of the police on the side of the road.

The cops discovered Jolee Callan’s body quickly. Bunner, who was covered in her blood, was swiftly apprehended and accused of killing her; he entered a not guilty plea.

Bunner said at the trial in November 2015 that he and Callan had made a murder-suicide pact, which he, conveniently, was unable to carry out after killing Callan.

Jolee Callan’s relatives and friends, however, made it obvious that the victim wasn’t despondent and appeared to be planning for the future. It seems more likely that Bunner killed Callan in cold blood because she refused to resume their romantic relationship.

Then, however, Bunner’s counsel claimed that because of his Asperger’s diagnosis, he should be given the status of a youthful offender. According to Alabama law, a defendant under the age of 21 may apply for this status, which ensures that they will only be imprisoned for a maximum of three years for their offense, regardless of how serious it was.

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That standing was given to Loren Bunner.

Jolee Callan Wiki, Instagram, Dog, Obituary, Case, Story, Wikipedia, Story, Case

Due to the public interest in his case, Loren Bunner was led out of the courthouse in a bulletproof vest.

Jolee’s father, Michael Callan, contacted a nearby ABC affiliate to request this status. Bunner returned to court quickly after the subsequent media storm, and by December of the same year, his status as a youthful offender had been revoked.

On July 13, 2017, Bunner entered a plea of guilty to killing Jolee Callan, despite the fact that his attorneys had begged with the courts for leniency and provided proof that he had a history of mental illness. But the judge remained unmoved. As an adult, Bunner received a 52-year prison term.

Michael Callan believed that justice had been done for his daughter that day, despite the fact that Bunner won’t be eligible for parole for another 15 years.

“It’s the right thing to do, I mean come on. You don’t get youthful offender and maybe three years, for cold-blooded killing somebody. You don’t get that,” he said. “Jolee was a sweet girl, she was sweet, sweet, sweet, good girl, and I think she’s smiling today, okay?”


‘Just enjoying the view’: A killer’s final photos before throwing ex-girlfriend off cliff

Before shooting and pushing his ex-girlfriend off a cliff in the US, a man took many pictures of her as they were hiking together.

According to The Sun, Loren Bunner will serve 52 years in prison for shooting 18-year-old Jolee Callan twice—once between the eyes and once in the back of the head—before pushing her off a cliff in Alabama on August 30, 2015.

The hike had been Bunner’s idea in the first place.

The previous evening, Callan joked in a message to a buddy, “If something happens to me, you’ll know who I was with.”

Prior to killing his ex-girlfriend on the Pinhoti Trail, Bunner uploaded four pictures of her to Instagram.

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First, a picture of Callan and her dog with the comment, “On our way to go hiking @joleeisakitten.”

Another depicts Callan holding the dog while staring over the foggy cliff.

Well, you know. Taking it all in @joleeisakitten,” the caption states.

Jolee Callan Wiki, Instagram, Dog, Obituary, Case, Story, Wikipedia, Story, Case

After his ex-partner passed away, Bunner dialed 911 to report himself for murder.

Later that evening, her body was discovered, still clad in her backpack.

Before shoving her off the cliff, he claimed to have shot her in the head as part of a suicide plan. However, he was unable to carry out his plan to end his life.

Police discovered a shotgun on Bunner, a lot of blood, and a steering wheel at the scene of Callan’s murder.

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Jolee Callan Wiki, Instagram, Dog, Obituary, Case, Story, Wikipedia, Story, Case

Because Callan didn’t want to be in a relationship with Bunner, authorities thought he lured her to the edge of the cliff with the intention of killing her.

Bunner, now 22 years old, first entered a not guilty plea before being charged with murder.

In July, he confessed to the murder.

The court was informed that he had boasted about the murder to his cellmates and claimed that if he couldn’t have her, no one else could.

Jolee Callan Wiki, Instagram, Dog, Obituary, Case, Story, Wikipedia, Story, Case

He was given a 52-year jail term and ordered to pay the Alabama Crime Victims Commission more than $11,000 in reparation.

She was a sweet, sweet girl, Callan’s father Michael remarked following the sentence. I believe she is grinning right now.

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