Is there a difference between ‘long’ and ‘lengthy?’

When we measure a three-dimensional object, we usually talk about it in terms of length, width, and depth (or sometimes height). There are adjectives that correspond to each of these three nouns: long, wideAnd deep (or High). For example, a swimming pool might be 70 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 4 feet deep.

But there is another adjective that can be paired with length: that is lengthyformed by adding length suffixes –y as found in adjectives like risk And scabrous.

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‘Lengthy’ often has a negative connotation implying dullness or excess.

So what is the difference between long And lengthy? One way to answer that is to consider what you may hear described as long: you can have long hair or walk along a long hallway, or you can read a long essay or listen to a long guitar solo. Long works for physical length as well as duration.

Still, Walker hopes that’s just the beginning of a long profession in the specialty; a mere stepping stone on an epic journey spanning 11 years and three different continents. — Sam Bruce, ESPN.comJuly 5, 2018

Now think of things you might hear described as lengthy: a person can die after a lengthy sickness; one can endure a lengthy legal battle or lengthy recovering from an injury, or you can sit through a lengthy delay at the airport.

Attached is a lengthy The Spanish-language questionnaire from the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement, asks for various forms of identification as well as financial and medical information. — Los Angeles TimesJuly 10, 2018

There is a negative connotation attached to lengthyand that’s because lengthy suggesting excessive length or content that makes people feel like they’ve heard or experienced too much. You will be less likely to describe your vacation or nap as lengthy, even if they last longer than your average vacation or nap. You will promise a professional athlete a long rather than a lengthy career, with the assumption that the athlete wants it to last and be productive, not just wait for it to end until he or she retires.

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British early commentators under fire lengthy as an Americanism. Grammarian HW Fowler wrote about lengthy that it is “sometimes used as a stylistic synonym for long but it is more common and useful to refer to tediousness as well as length.” Ambrose Bierce was rejected lengthy like “no better” widthor thick.”

Lengthy rarely used for objects of physical length. In Bierce’s view, we don’t describe things as broad as width or things that are too tall like huge. (We also won’t stop you if you decide to innovate, but be prepared to answer some questions.) You could describe a bike path as longbut you won’t be able to call it lengthy—unless, perhaps, you are tired of cycling and eager to go home. Grocery store receipts can be overwhelming longtherefore qualifies as lengthybut that can describe the information on the paper as much as the newspaper itself.

Categories: Usage Notes

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