How to Use Word Division Dots and Syllable Hyphens

In a dictionary entry, the dots that break up a word are called line ending dividing dot. These dots indicate where a word might be damaged if the word doesn’t fit into a line of text. These dots do not indicate possible syllable breaks of the word; Syllable breaks are shown with dashes in pronunciation.

While looking up the definition of a word or perusing our many language resources and articles on, you may notice that the middle dots in titles are not always the same. match the position of the hyphens in their pronunciation. As a company, we have dealt with decades of correspondence regarding these suspicious irregularities and feel that the explanation for the use of what is commonly known as a dot or split point Ending splits and syllable hyphens will interest you, dear, site visitors.

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Secret dictionary, revealed!

End-of-line vs Phonetic Hyphen

No, the conventions for splitting a word at the end of a line of text and the conventions for breaking up a word into phonetic syllables, and resulting in a beginning word and its pronunciation can show different divisions. Midpoints/points in a key word—identified primarily by looking at morphology (the study of word formation, as well as transformations, derivatives, and compound words) and pronunciation— indicates places where the word could break if all the letters wouldn’t fit at the end of the line. They don’t necessarily represent syllable division (which is a common misconception); they are simply latent points of end-of-line splits. The syllables of a word are indicated by hyphens found in the pronunciation of the word, where they exist as an aid to the pedagogical command “pronunciation”.

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Example of word division

For example, the word dictionary.


At the top of its dictionary entry, it is divided into dictionary. This means it can break at the end of a line like dictionary or like dictionary. However, it cannot be divided into dictionary, dictionaryor dictionary, mainly because it would make the word hard to read. Also, note that there is no dot before the last dot y in the first word, although there are four syllables in the word, as shown in the pronunciation \ˈdik-shə-ˌner-ē\.


This is because having a single letter split from a word, either at the end or the beginning, can interfere with the reader’s decoding. Another example is simple but versatile About. Though one might be tempted to split it later OneAs shown in its pronunciation \ə-ˈbau̇t\, it is wrong to have a letter stuck on a line.

Poker is an illuminating example of word division. There are two noun entries for this word: one for the metal rod for stirring the fire and one for the various card games. Synonyms of poker pronounced the same, as \ˈpō-kər\. However, for the item “que”, the spelling word division is pok·erand for the “game”, the division is poker. The reason for this is that the first homonym (sound) is made up of two parts (or morphemes): stem shove and the suffix -er. The English spelling division rule requires words to be divided into different morphemes so that we get the division pok·er. However, second poker (game) has no two parts. It consists of a morpheme (it is a modification of French poque) so it is divided into poker.

Example of syllable break

Pause at the end of the line, there is a hyphen in the pronunciation that we need to deal with, indicating a syllable break based on technical phonetic principles, such as vowel length, inflection , variation due to the position of the vowel. consonants in a syllable and other nuances of spoken words. In general, it is placed so that as many consonants are at the beginning of the syllable as possible when English allows at the beginning of a word to be spelled. Therefore, a word like enntrance gate is split into \ˈen-trən

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If you’ve been taught that words can always be broken down into syllables, you should now know that this isn’t always the case. Remember, technically speaking, conjugating a word such as ocean so that a single letter is left on a line, even if the hyphen in the pronunciation indicates a syllable division as \ˈō-shən\. Look at the title for the dot that separates the spelling; look at pronunciation for syllable division.

Categories: Usage Notes

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