How to Use ‘Assent’ vs. ‘Ascent’

If you agree to climb some conspicuous high ground you approved to make one go upor are you? go up to make one agreement?


And are you sure you don’t want to take a nap?

When you agree to climb the mountain, you approved to make one go up. Those of you who scoff at the notion that anyone can make a mistake so simple that confusing two words that happen to be spelled the same way and are pronounced alike need no further reading; you can go hiking Those who have trouble distinguishing between these words need not feel ashamed, as you have a lot of company (especially in the abuse of go up because agreement).

Father Conroy said at the time of speaking with Mr Burks he believed he had no choice but to resign. His letter invited Mr. Ryan to invoke his authority to fire him but said he would not voluntarily leave.— Byron Tau, The Wall Street JournalMay 3, 2018

You nod as you go up, and he will stir minced raw garlic into the small bowl of sesame sauce in front of you.— Jonathan Gold, LA timeOctober 31, 1991

And what must the customer do to agree or come up with those terms and conditions?— Drew Hasselback, national post (Toronto, Can.), September 6, 2014

Agree where to use go up called not entirely common, but can also be found frequently.

Two of the wine glasses were broken during the somewhat arduous consent process, but we are glad that two of the glasses were still intact (one for each couple).— Rose Levy Berenbaum, Record (Hackensack, NJ), November 27, 1994

During those seven hours, they ascended and passed Mount Kahili and then began their ascent to the next mountain.— Brittany Lyte, Honolulu Star Advertiser (Honolulu, HI), September 23, 2015

How to use Assent and Ascent

Agree can act as a verb or a noun. The verb means “to agree or approve of something (such as an idea or proposal) especially after careful consideration,” and the noun is essentially defined as “a act of consent”. go up only functions as a noun; the verb form is go up. If you need a simple device to tell the difference between them, just remember that the word “to climb” has a OLD in there.

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Categories: Usage Notes

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