How to Know if Someone Blocked you on Instagram? Here’s How You Can Find Out!

There can be a lot of reasons to get blocked by someone on Instagram. And if you want to know if someone blocked you on Instagram, read the following article. Because we’re going to discuss how you can find out and what happens if someone blocks you on Instagram.

Resisting the urge to not ask your friend to confirm if you’ve been blocked by someone on Instagram can certainly be a tough spot!

But we can’t blame anyone for having such thoughts because Instagram, like many other social media platforms, doesn’t notify you when someone blocks you.

So, if someone hasn’t contacted you in a while and you think you might have been blocked by them, read on to find out how you can find out if someone has blocked you on Instagram.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to know if someone has blocked you on Instagram and what happens when they do. So let’s find out.

How to know if someone blocked you on Instagram?

To see if someone has blocked you on Instagram, you can try following the methods that we will discuss below.

  • Search their Instagram username

The first and most direct method to know if someone has blocked you on Instagram is to look up their username. Just go to the search bar and type in their username, then hit search.

So obviously if you can see their account and go through the posts, that user hasn’t blocked you. However, if you see “This account is private” with the “Follow” option, the user may have removed you from their follower list as a follower.

If no results about their account appear when you press enter, you may have been blocked by that user. However, it can also mean three other things: users can have:

  • Changed their username
  • Deactivate their account
  • Deleted their account
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Since it’s fairly easy to see if a user deactivated their account, you can find out if they changed their username. Just go to any post or comment that you think has been tagged in the past and click on it. When you tap on their username, you’ll be able to see their newly changed username if they did.

If you can see their account information like their number of followers, followers, and bio, but don’t see their posts or the “No Posts” message, this most likely means that they blocked you.

  • Check your messages

If someone blocks you on Instagram, this will only prevent you and the user from chatting from then on. And if you’ve exchanged messages with them in the past, they won’t go away.

So you can go to your chat with that person and try texting them. If the message is not delivered, this means you have been blocked by that user.

  • Search their profile from another account

If you block someone on Instagram, you won’t be able to see their account in search results. And even if you somehow manage, you won’t be able to see their posts and the “No Posts” message will appear.

So to confirm if you’ve been blocked by another user, search for their username with another account. And if the option to track along with other details appear after you search for them, this means that your other account has been blocked by the user.

  • Check your comments

If you can think of any likes or comments under a post you or someone else has mentioned or interacted with someone you suspect, go there. Click on the like or comment section and if you can see their account along with other info like bio, posts etc that’s fine and you’ll still be added as a follower by that person. However, if you see messages like “No posts yet” or “No users found,” you know what it means. You can also see your liked posts on Instagram.

  • Search their Profile by Link
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Each account created on Instagram is assigned a unique URL that includes the user’s username. To search the unique URL of someone you think has blocked you, follow these steps:

  • Open a browser on your mobile phone or PC.

open browser

  • Type in the search bar and press Enter.

Enter “”

  • If you are not blocked, their profile will appear and if you are blocked the page will display the message “Sorry, this page is not available” as shown in the image below.

Error “Sorry, this page is not available”.

So, here are some methods that can help you find out if you are blocked on Instagram. And if none of these methods work for you, maybe Instagram isn’t working. Now let’s see what happens when someone blocks you on Instagram.

What happens when someone blocks you on Instagram?

It’s pretty easy to find out the accounts you’ve blocked because Instagram provides a list of users you’ve blocked. However, if you want to find out who blocked you on this platform, it is definitely not possible. Unlike the “Blocked accounts” section, there is an official like section for accounts that have blocked you. And so, the only solution left is that you have to check it yourself, such as searching for the username you suspect.

Method not working

As we discussed, there are several methods that work to find out if you have been blocked by someone on Instagram. However, there are some methods that users tend to think are effective when they are not. So we will explain them a bit below.

  • Check profile photo

Users claim that one of the ways to know if you’ve been blocked by someone on Instagram is by looking at their profile picture. However, that is not the case if you want to find out if you are blocked.

Users can simply remove their profile picture from the platform, and being blocked doesn’t necessarily have to do with being blocked by a user. If you’re wondering how, let us know. Whenever you are blocked by a user on Instagram, you can still see their profile picture. So, if someone doesn’t set their display photo, it doesn’t mean they blocked you.

  • Trying to Send a Message
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Unlike Snapchat, Instagram doesn’t show an error message when you try to message someone who has blocked you. In case you are wondering if you can text the person you think has blocked you and thus you are not blocked, do not rely solely on this method. Why? Because it doesn’t work!

If you continue to message the person, the messages appear to have been delivered, but the user will not receive them. And not only that, even if you are unblocked by that person in the future, those messages will still not be received by the user. So it’s useless to text the person to confirm if you’re blocked or not as this method obviously doesn’t work, so you should be aware of this.

Frequently asked questions

ANSWER: No, 0 posts could also mean that the person’s account is private. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’re blocked. It is also possible that users are facing the “can’t post on Instagram” issue.

ANSWER: Instagram allows users to send messages even if other users block them. However, those messages will never be received by other users, even if they decide to unblock them in the future.

ANS: No, if you can still see other people’s stories and posts, this means you are not blocked. Users can simply delete their profile picture on the platform.

Categories: How to

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