‘Disc’ and ‘Disk’: Is There a Difference?

In spite of plate And plate listed as variations of something round and flat, each of which seems to have a fancy use. Plate are seen more often in the music industry and throwables such as Frisbees, while plate is the preferred spelling in computer jargon, such as floppy disk.

blank disc put in laptop

In the dictionary, plate And plate displayed as variant nouns separated by or, which means they appear more or less equally in the edited text. But there are some cases where one spelling is applied more often than the other.

Origin of ‘Disk’ and ‘Disc’

To start with the beginning: word derived from the Latin noun discus, which means “fan, plate, dish.” The Greeks spell this word as platecomes from the verb dike (“throw”). The plate is a round, flat object that Greek athletes would throw long distances in the ancient Olympics; a sporting tradition that continues in the modern Olympics with the spelling discus.

The disc becomes a useful comparison object for anything that has a flat, circular shape called plate or plate. But initially there was no consensus among English speakers on whether to use Latin-derived spellings (with c) or a spelling of Greek origin (with k).

The word found is used as a descriptive word for round celestial bodies as seen from earth, as well as for similarly shaped objects that occur in nature (such as in bodies).

…when we rushed to the shore, we could only detect a ripple in the water making ripples plate of a star. – Henry David Thoreau, A week on the Concord and Merrimack1849

My sister, to my spiritual vision, is always like the moon plate when only part of it is lit. — Henry James, Europeans1878

The various segments of the coccyx are connected by a descending extension of the anterior and posterior sacro-coccygeal ligaments, a thin annular. plate of fibrocartilage is interspersed between each bone. — Henry Gray, Grey’s Anatomy1858

An examination of the diversity in the different groups of cemeteries around Stonehenge, such as at Winterbourn Stoke Down, and of the ways in which the bowls, bells and plateThe mixed shapes, taken in relation to the results obtained from their excavations, suggest that several of these forms and varieties were used at the same time. — Archaeologia, Or, Other regions related to antiquityEpisode 43, 1871

Sometimes the difference occurs in the same composition:

In one case, the end of the muscle fiber was suddenly shortened or ended completely. plate… — Jones Quain, Elements of Anatomy, Vol. first1828

They are not spherical, as the name “sphere” to which they are often designated, seems to imply, but flat or flattened. plate– has shape. — Jones Quain, Elements of Anatomy, Vol. first1828

The modern phonograph, a recognized invention by Thomas Edison in 1877, originally used wax cylinders, but the flat “jukebox” discs we use today were introduced by Emile Berliner and was in regular use at the turn of the century. recording disk was briefly used as a term in advertising to distinguish flat disks from cylinders.

Will play all products of plate profile, no additional attachments. – advertisement, Popular mechanics1916

Then I take the big trumpet off the gramophone and sing, speak, or shout into the tube at the end of the swinging arm. The plate The phonograph vibrates and the needle depicts small waves of various forms on the glass. — John G. McKendrick, NatureApril 15, 1909

Option between ‘Disk’ and ‘Disk’

The recording industry showed a preference for spelling plate throughout the 20th century, although plate showed some use, and by the 1940s, disc shock And disc shock followed in a similar way. France passed plate for recordings to create its word for a music club, disco (originally “disc library,” from the French word for “library,” bibliography). We shorten disco ARRIVE discoand the ’70s music craze called disco born from there.

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The difference between plate And plate appear in other areas of popular culture. When the U.S. military weather balloon crash sparked speculation about flying saucers near Roswell, New Mexico, the local media chose no spelling to describe the object that landed in the yard’s yard. a farm owner. “No details about flying saucer revealed” was the front page subhead of the July 8, 1947 issue of the magazine. Roswell Daily Recordwhile Carlsbad Daily Present-Argus (July 9, 1947) accompanied by “‘Flying Saucer’ turned out to be a hot air balloon.”

In the 1950s, Wham-O marketed the Frisbee, whose shape alludes to Roswell’s flying saucers and sci-fi movies; UFOs has become a fancy generic term for toys (as in the name of the World Federation of Flying Saucers), used today in games such as Golf platter.

The advent of the home personal computer may have helped create a separation between plate And plate in the public mind. The recording industry continues to show a preference for spelling plate when the compact disc was introduced as a new digital recording format. Like LP records, compact discs were still circular, which may have encouraged spelling.

Compact plate sound better because they are produced digitally. In a computer-like process, musical sounds are assigned binary digital codes of 0s and 1s etched onto a 4.7-inch diameter sheet of plastic and aluminum. plate. When plate transmitted, a laser beam picks up the coded “pits” of information and the circuitry converts them back into an analog signal. —David Pauly, weekly newsDecember 16, 1985

However, magnetic computer disks tend to spell plateas in floppy disk. Floppy disks are placed in a CD driver and eventually give way to what is called floppy disk—contained in a hard plastic case, not a floppy disk, and is usually about 3 and a half inches wide. Both are square—and while both are a thing of the past, note that the save icon in many programs still looks like a square plate. (CD-ROM discs, modeled on compressed audio discs, are an exception to the orthographic pattern.)

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There’s still a lot of variation across the board, but what’s interesting is plate—spell variation ending in a round letter—seems to be preferred for round objects that play music while plate seems to be the choice for square computing equipment.

Categories: Usage Notes
Source: vothisaucamau.edu.vn

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