In a heartbreaking turn of events, Dina Bourque, the dedicated principal of Iberia Middle School, met a tragic end in a car crash on the morning of Thursday, December 7, 2023. The incident unfolded near the intersection of US 90 West Frontage Road and North Grand Prairie Road in New Iberia, involving a collision between her vehicle and a tractor pulling sugarcane trailers.
The New Iberia Police Department confirmed the devastating news, revealing that the fatal accident occurred shortly after 6 a.m. The preliminary investigation disclosed that the tractor, loaded with sugarcane trailers on North Grand Prairie Road, failed to yield at a stop sign, leading to the collision with Dina Bourque’s vehicle at the intersection with West Frontage Road.
Tragically, Dina Bourque was pronounced dead at the scene, underscoring the severity of the crash. Roads in the vicinity were closed due to the magnitude of the accident, and the tractor driver was transported to a local hospital with injuries of unknown extent. Standard toxicology samples were obtained from both drivers, with pending results, as authorities diligently work to unravel the details surrounding this heart-wrenching incident.
The community of New Iberia is left in mourning, grappling with the loss of a respected educator and leader. The memory of Principal Dina Bourque will undoubtedly be cherished as the community comes together to support one another during this difficult time.
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