‘Cannot’ vs. ‘Can Not’: Is there a difference?

Both cannot And cannot totally fine, but cannot is much more common and therefore recommended, especially in any kind of formal writing. cannot has a similar meaning, but like the shortened forms in general, it is somewhat formal. In some cases, the Are not next Maybe fact is part of another phrase, such as “not only”; in such cases cannot is the right choice.

Spell block can't

This dictionary defines cannot is impossible.” The word and phrase mean exactly the same thing: both are negations of very common and useful verbs Maybe. The only difference between them is the closed form, cannotis much more common.

I smell cake but I can’t see any cake.

I smell cake but I can’t see any cake.

Cannot has been in use since the 15th century. We don’t know why English speakers think two words should be put together to form one; they don’t seem to see much use in doing the same do not or Not or Not available.

However, English speakers have found fit to induce contractions among many of them: in addition cannot we have cannot also. And we also have do not, Not, Not yet, cannot, etc. All mean exactly the same as their extended forms. The only difference between do not And do not, Not And Not, etc., are shortened forms that tend not to be used in formal writing. (This is true for cannot also.)

When ‘Impossible’ takes precedence

There is a set of situations in which cannot more preferred cannot-when Are not is working as part of another phrase:

Now I can not only smell the cake, but also see it.

If you are not sure about the phrase status of Are nottry making sentences with cannot instead and see if it works:

*Now I can not only smell the cake, but also see it.

(The * is a sign that the sentence is not grammatically correct.)

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cannot (without the apostrophe) is another word—or more words, actually. In its most common usage as a noun, it refers to language used by a particular group of people, as in “the impossibility of thieves”. None of its homonyms refer to not being able or allowed to do something.

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Categories: Usage Notes
Source: vothisaucamau.edu.vn

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