Can You Feel ‘Nauseous’?

Although many people strongly feel that nausea can only be used to mean “cause nausea” or “nausea”, its use as “affected by nausea” or “nausea” is well established and used. widely used.

Usually, when people look to the dictionary for answers, there will be both long and short answers. In many of these cases, we’ll give a short answer first, then a longer answer (which is explanatory and is designed to appease those who receive an answer they don’t want). want) the following. Here is an example:

Q. Can I use nausea means “nausea” or should it always and forever be used to mean “nausea”?

A. You can use nausea means “nausea.”

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“The last milk bone doesn’t fit.”

The original meaning of nausea

We can now move on to the soothing part of this article. Many people have a strong belief that fair use nausea is something that can be defined as “nausea or disgust”, and if you mean that a person feels as if their stomach is about to pass out then nausea is the word to use (‘I feel nauseainstead of ‘I feel nausea‘). We disagree that this is a good and specific way to use nausea, and if this is how you have learned to use words, you can continue to do so. However, we must point out that nausealike many other words in our language, notable for its versatility and range of meanings, and its applicability in the context of “I’ll throw” is neither wrong nor wrong. classified as unlearnable.

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The first recorded mention we have about nausea to, usefully enough, from a dictionary. Robert Cawdrey’s 1609 edition Alphabet included it as a title, with a slightly different definition from what is commonly banned today (Cawdrey defined it as “disgusted or wanted to vomit”). The feeling of “nausea-inducing” first appeared on our record in a 1618 work by John Vicars.

That, though some Atheist Miserables, Some nauseous neutrals, Satan’s Tennis Balls, Some Sadduces can execute (I say) That makes the Resurrection negate, Though some are Pythagorean, Or The Most Infidel Diabolicall.— John Vicars, A periscope to look into heaven1618

Leaving aside for now the fact that any book from the 17th century with the phrase “Satan’s tennis ball” deserves more attention, in the sense that Vicars used. nausea (meaning “nausea”) was the dominant species for the next few hundred years, and the species identified by Cawdrey was occasionally found. In the mid-19th century, the meaning of nausea meaning “nausea” begins to appear.

After another hour, it was clear that poplar had begun to make her nauseous, and she was tested again, but unable to move as before.— National Aegis (Worcester, MA), March 4, 1857

In about half an hour Mr. Schemernon’s body swelled horribly; His feet measure about two feet around. He also felt sick to his stomach and started vomiting violently.— Newbern Trade Magazine (New Bern, NC), July 31, 1867

New meaning of nausea

In the 20th century, the “nausea” feeling of nausea is becoming increasingly common and, as often happens when a word takes on a new meaning, it is also common to object to this new usage. One of the common reasons why we shouldn’t use nausea in both the “nausea” and “nausea” contexts that doing so would lead to ambiguity.

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But different uses of nausea almost no ambiguity. When used to mean “nausea” nausea is often used as a predicate adjective and follows a conjugated verb, such as To be, feelor become (‘sailing on the water makes me feel nauseous’). The “nausea” feeling of nauseaon the other hand, tends to be found as an attributive adjective, preceded by the noun it modifies (‘nauseous ride makes me wish I hadn’t gotten on the boat’).

The “nausea” feeling of nausea now in widespread use, found in well-edited newspapers, books by top-rated authors, medical journals, and your child’s social media feed. You don’t have to use the word this way, but you don’t have to argue about it either. We can all spend our time doing something more productive, like finding new uses for Satan’s tennis ball.

Categories: Usage Notes

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