Can ‘Criteria’ Ever Be Singular?

Standard usually a plural noun referring to the standards by which a judgment can be made. Its singular is standardbut the evidence shows that standard often used in the singular as well as in the plural, like data And agenda and their used singular timeline And agenda.

Since English borrows words from Latin and Greek, we sometimes have to adjust our grammar to match the way those words are used in their original languages. This is especially true for plural nouns.

Early English grammarians preferred to preserve the traditions of classical languages, so nouns derived from Latin and Greek often retain the plural form of Latin and Greek in the English language. Older brother. This practice has been retained especially for academic and scientific writing. So the plural of radius To be radius; appendix To be Appendix; spend To be spend; bacteria become bacteria.

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Check all the boxes. Or just one.

But in many other cases, the plural in Latin or Greek has been dropped in favor of the plural in Standard English. Latin plural of Gym To be exercisebut you’ll almost never see it in the plural as anything other than Gym in English.

There are many counterexamples. One is standarda very vivid Greek plural word: standard.

How to Use ‘Criteria’ and ‘Criteria’

Standard is defined as “a criterion by which a judgment or decision is made” or “a characteristic sign or characteristic.” The first of these is the meaning in question when a person says, “An important thing standard to choose where to dine is to have vegetarian dishes on the menu.”

When I was dating, in my twenties and early thirties, my boss standard In a romantic partner, after a sense of humour, is my ability to spot crises and lead us and our future children out of them. — Pamela Druckerman, New York Magazine of BooksMay 12, 2020

But the more serious problem could be that a fever of more than 100 degrees was used as a remedy. standard to determine if a sick prisoner needs medical attention. — Golden Heart, ProPublicaJune 24, 2020

Maybe because so many decisions are based on more than one factor, plural standard tends to appear more frequently in English than its singular form. In these cases, standard generally follow the formulation of a number of standards.

Athletes are judged on a variety of criteria standard, including difficulty, take, landing, and amplitude. — Justin Peters, slateFebruary 18, 2018

The law codifies the so-called ABC test, which sets out three standard to determine whether a worker should be classified as a contractor or an employee. — Eoin O’Carroll, Christian Science ScreenJuly 2, 2020

If they are still adapting—or if, as in some cases, Gurenlian says the ADHA has been informed, they have chosen not to change their practice—consider pausing your visit until the changes are made. … Even if all these standard met, not everyone is ready to return to routine dental work — Kat Eschner, General ScienceJune 30, 2020

In occasional cases, the Latin plural is avoided for Standard English -S many:

With the increasing rate of cyber threats, cybersecurity has become one of the main tasks criteria Every company is focused on, regardless of industry or geographic location. — Yahoo! FinanceJanuary 8, 2020

‘Criteria’ as a singular noun

There is evidence that standard are following the pattern of nouns of other Latin and Greek origin that have shown a preference for the plural in structures that would otherwise seem to call the singular form (such as a singular article or a subject paired with a singular verb such as To be):

Zenz concludes that the actions of the Chinese government satisfy at least one standard United Nations definition of genocide, specifically the prevention of births in the target group. —Zachary Evans, [National Review]( 29, 2020

It looks like Arizona may no longer meet one of the White House’s key reopening guidelines. One standard calls for a two-week downward trajectory of cases or a two-week downward trajectory of positive tests as a percentage of total tests. Arizona has yet to see a decline in the number of positive tests. documented case, so it’s based on the following standard. — Stephanie Innes et al., Republic of ArizonaJune 4, 2020

Dispatch contacted Ginther’s office through Davis to ask what happened. standard is being used to determine what is posted and what isn’t, as well as how long the policy will last and why Ginther wants to control the content that the department—has its own media relations team— posting. — Bethany Bruner, The Columbus DispatchJune 30, 2020

Under the guidelines recently issued by Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, voters who are incapacitated due to illness or physical disability, including caring for a person who is incapacitated or restricted by illness or physically disabled, will not be required to have their ballot notarized. … Franklin County Clerk Tim Baker Announces New Regulations standard confusing and will not protect against possible voter fraud. — Monte Miller, MissouriansJune 18, 2020

Donors should fill out a form for each type of item donated and someone will be contacted directly to coordinate collection. Sponsors can also state whether their items are unopened, as standard varies between hospitals and medical facilities. — Johnny Diaz and Derrick Bryson Taylor, New York TimesApril 1, 2020

our word datafor example, begins its life in English as the plural form of a noun of Latin origin timeline. ONE timeline is a single piece of information, and data acts as one word for all those pieces put together.

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The mass nature of data gave it a life of its own as a singular noun. Now when we encounter data In English, it occurs more commonly in the singular (“the polling data was released this morning”). singular timeline and the plural use of data still happens, but rarer than singular data.

Another example standard often compared as agendato English as a plural for nouns agenda. Agenda refers to a to-do list, and a single item on it is a agenda.

Unlike data And agendaHowever, standard still shows use as a countable noun (“this is three standard) along with the emerging singular. Only time will tell if standard will continue to express preference as a less than number standard.

Categories: Usage Notes

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