Are you under ‘duress’? Or are you just under ‘stress’?

The phrase “forced” should not be confused with “stressed”. Emphasize is much more common; it’s about stress or pressure. Rebellious is a more technical term that refers to wrongful or illegal coercion. For example, if you were forced to sign a contract under threat, you signed the contract “under duress”. Not many people are “forced”, but being “stressed” is a common occurrence in life.

We’ll start this usage lesson with an imaginary scenario: let’s say you run into this mortal enemy and you’re both very good Go players. In fact, you two are the best Go players in the world and you just lost to each other.

Also assume that you almost always win, and in fact you consider yourself The best. Your arch nemesis can’t accept the idea of ​​second place, so she writes a statement asserting her own dominance and asks you to sign it. Of course you refuse. But then she grabs your nose and doesn’t let go until you do what she says. Her bony fingers win in the end: you sign the statement.

You signed it under duress.

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A tense situation, hopefully not forced to take pictures.

Explaining ‘Duress’

from resolute applies in much more serious situations than the one above, but the bottom line is: if you do something—for example, sign a legally binding agreement or confess to doing something something illegal—because you were wrong (and often illegal) coerced, you did it under duress. (The Merriam-Webster Law Dictionary helpfully points out that you can avoid the consequences of such acts, so take note: the statement you signed about your sworn enemy as a Go Fish champion may be declared invalid.)

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In some cases, people use the word resolute from where? emphasize is the more appropriate choice. For example, you don’t deal those intense Go Fish games with shaky fingers because you’re forced; your fingers are shaking because you are stressed—that is, you are under stress or pressure. Your arch-enemies don’t get shuffled when they’re forced to shuffle; it’s due to stress. You both have to go through sleepless nights before games not because of pressure but because of stress. (Honestly, both of you need to calm down.)

Being forced can’t be solved with a good back massage, and hot showers often don’t help. If you want to say that someone has been through a lot of this or that, the word you almost always want to use is emphasize.

‘Duress’ vs ‘Stress’

no wonder resolute And emphasize confused. Along with sharing the last four of their six letters, both often occur with below and both have to do with disadvantaged people. They are similar in form and ordering, however, they differ in meaning and etymology. While both words have Middle English words, resolute comes from an Anglo-French word meaning “hardness, severity” and finally from the same Latin word that gave us suffer. Emphasizemeanwhile, comes from a Chinese English word stress, which means “stressful, distressed.” That word stands for destinya word that has finally become our modern depression.

When depression First used in the 13th century, it is used in a narrow legal sense, one that is still used: depression in this sense refers to the seizure and seizure of goods belonging to another person as a means of settling a debt—such as when a landlord seizes a tenant’s goods when the tenant is late in paying rent. (a practice that some courts consider unconstitutional). Suffering is clearly stressful, but it’s still not a compulsion.

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Application of resolute in demanding contexts emphasize seems to be largely a 21st-century phenomenon. If we continue to gather evidence of usage in published, edited text, we may be forced to add meaning. resolute including usage. But one thing is for sure: we won’t do it just because you pinch us, so please don’t try.

Categories: Usage Notes

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