‘Appraise’ or ‘Apprise’

gem appraisal photo

We will keep you informed of our review on the matter.

There are thousands of commonly confused word pairs in the English language, countless confusions represent a difficult number until it becomes clear that most of them are easily distinguishable, if one pays a little attention. Some are spelled with slight variations in British and North American English (such as realize & realize) but there is no difference in meaning. Others, such as rule And principal, it might be a dictionary need for many of us, but it’s easy to understand once we’re at it. One such pair that we are often warned about is Evaluate And said.

Meaning of ‘Appraise’ and ‘Apprise’

Both words are verbs, both have been in common use for hundreds of years, and both are of French origin (Evaluate is from Anglo-French MC“to award, praise,” and said from Old French meet, “teach”). When these similarities are combined with the fact that the words are spelled in an almost identical manner, it is easy to see how they can be confused. The meaning of each is quite different from the other; said means “tell” and Evaluate means “to set a value on.”

They had long been informed of his secret visits and were suspicious of his plans; but the purity and gentleness of Mary’s conduct disproved suspicion, and they hesitated to convey their observations to her.— Catharine Maria Sedgwick, Red wood1824

However, while the scarred little cheek was resting on her ermo in such apparent happiness, mixed with her guiding thread for the children was the determination the next day to evaluate the cheap fur, and see if she can bless her own capeless child.— Harriet Beecher Stowe, We and our neighbors1875

What about ‘Apprize’?

So you have it: said means “speak” and Evaluate means “estimate.” The case is over and now we can leave this topic and go back to worrying about whether we used flammable exactly. Except….so what appreciate? This is a somewhat confusing word that sometimes functions as a synonym of Evaluateand sometimes a spelling variation of said.

The estate is therefore paid out in stock at an appreciative value.—J. H Sawyer, History of Williston Seminary1917

“Of course, poor Arthur cannot be appreciated for that.”—Catharine Grace Frances Gore, Mrs. Armytage; or, Female Domination1836

(This kind of thing is informally called a switch; Scholars prefer technical language and tend to rely on descriptions such as Yes, yes… English, I don’t know the answer to thatAnd Not the time for lunch?)

The sudden appearance of appreciate should not serve to confuse the matter of distinction between Evaluate And said. Firstly, it is not used very often, and so you are unlikely to encounter it in the wild. And if you decide to use appreciate yourself, you can take comfort in the fact that it may mean legal or Evaluate or saidso you will be right no matter what.

See more:  'Photo Shoot' or 'Photoshoot'?

Categories: Usage Notes
Source: vothisaucamau.edu.vn

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