An Explication on the Use of ‘Explicit’ and ‘Implicit’

clear describe something very clearly and without ambiguity or ambiguity. default often has the opposite function, refers to something understood, but not explicitly or directly described, and often uses implication or supposition. To help with memorization, for sale atthe obvious things are for sale atDelta, Ithe obvious things are Icorrugated.

open the notebook on the table

Both words share the same Latin root, ‘plicare’, which means “to fold”.

clear And hidden meaning are distinct adjectives with distinctly different meanings that are sometimes confused with each other, as shown in the following examples:

Truitt was discharged home March 19 without knowing his test results. She tacitly instructed to stay home for 14 days, regardless of the test results. — The Valley Times-News (Lanett, Alabama), March 31, 2020

I asked a few friends if they had seen the movie, or if they had heard of the claims it made. Most of their immediate reactions are something like, “Are you watching a vegan propaganda movie and remembering the facts given without further research?” My answer is no. First and foremost, that’s an obvious assumption, and second, the reason I even asked around was to get a broader perspective. — Optimistic (Lamar University), December 6, 2017

For founders like Neumann, the new money presents an opportunity — or an imperative — to double down on unproven and losing business models that theoretically would suddenly turn a profit. once all the competitors are at a loss forced to surrender. “The obvious assumption is that if you have enough growth, it doesn’t matter how much you lose,” [Roger] McNamee said. “That’s clearly how both WeWork and Uber have operated.” — Los Angeles TimesSeptember 25, 2019

The meaning is clear

To be clear, clear And hidden meaning are different words and, in some contexts, they are actually antonyms. clear expressed very clearly and completely without ambiguity, implication or ambiguity. When something is said to be clear, there is no question of what is being expressed or communicated — nothing is implied or assumed.

The students were given clear instructions on how to record their test answers.

Changes to the property cannot be made without the explicit consent of the landlord.

The law is very clear on how these measures should be implemented.

‘Hidden Meaning’

defaulton the other hand, denotes that something is understood even though it is not expressed or communicated explicitly or directly—with implication, supposition, or question. It is usually preceded by a preposition, usually IN and less often from, withor in.

The genre of restaurant cookbooks is vast and varied, but the common denominator that underlies most of its titles is the tacit promise that you, too, can replicate the work of a chef within limits. of his family kitchen. Most of the time, this promise is clearly false. But with some notable exceptions, signature dishes can really be prepared by home cooks if basic kitchen techniques are mastered, as well as enough time and tools. Pretty common staple in pantry. — Rebecca Flint Marx, eaterJune 18, 2020

One underlying idea in “Taste the Nation” is that the more we know about the cultural history of the food, the more cultural openness it leads to. — Padma Lakshmi, quoted in New York TimesAugust 3, 2020

Implicit in the call for compassion is the need for cooperation—the recognition that the problems we face are too great to deal with alone. — Anne Kingston, by MacleanJune 19, 2019

Other Meanings of ‘Clear’ and ‘Implicit’

clear And hidden meaning also have distinct meanings unrelated to their antonyms. clear used to describe things like text, lyrics, photography, or movies that show or depict offensive or vulgar nudity, violence, or sex, or it can indicate an act or behavior that is visually offensive or leaves no implication or imagination (e.g., “clear scenes of violence and drug use”). Another sense of hidden meaning is “unaffected by doubt”, a meaning shared by words like absolute And completeas in “implicit confidence” and, in a sense, clear (meaning clear and open).

Running basketball requires a clear trust that men or women in striped shirts will make the right call every time. — Anthony Salamone, Express-Times (Easton, Pennsylvania), January 3, 2019

“There’s an implicit trust that each of my teammates share as we navigate a season during this pandemic, and I’ve broken that trust. In Chicago, I made the mistake of breaking deals. I was aware but the biggest mistake was not immediately addressing my teammates I owe them better things I now realize that by exposing myself to just one person more than necessary, I am put myself, my teammates, the people with whom I play, the referees, the staff, the Indian organization and the game I love at risk.” – Mike Clevinger, quoted in Sports IllustratedAugust 11, 2020

default can also describe something that is inherent or closely related to something else but is not immediately apparent—for example, a “potential” bug in new calculator applications.

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Potential source of confusion with clear And hidden meaning are their common Latin roots, junk, which means “fold”, causing them to have the same ending with the letter “-plicit”. But one has only to look at their headers, their prefixes—respectively, for sale at-means “out” and I-“in, within”—to decipher their distinct meanings. clear can be understood as “opening up” or “putting out” (in other words, “explaining”) and hidden meaning can be translated as “to fold in,” implying to cover or contain (meaning) within.

Yes, words have the same root and number of syllables and are applied in similar contexts, but they clearly differ in spelling and meaning. When in doubt, look at the prefixes: if you are describing something obvious for sale atplain or for sale atpress, the word to use is clear; if you are describing something as Iurgent, hidden meaning is from.

Categories: Usage Notes

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